Testerské střípky

Stále chtivá po informacích, hledám vhodnou testerskou/QA četbu. A protože autoři těchto mých zdrojů většinou dokáží myšlenky mnohem lépe formulovat, než já, dovolím si pro vlastní potřebu udělat si krátký výtah toho nejzajímavějšího.

Kniha Test Automation Fundamentlas (M.Baumgartner a spol.)

  • The effort required to maintain a test automation solution and its automated software is frequently underestimated.
  • Test automation manifesto
    • transparency over comfort
    • collaboration over indipendence
    • quality over quantityflexibility over contiuity
  • The goal of each sprint is the availability of functional and potentionally releasable software -> working software is the primary measure of progress.
  • Your team prioritize keeping the software deployable over working on new features.
  • The automation of functional regression testing is a must-have for agile projects.
  • The entire team is responsible for the functioning software that emerges at the end of the sprint.
  • Test automation is a form of specialized software development.
  • With each sprint cycle, the proportion of regression tests gets larger and, as a result, they have to be continuously adjusted.

Testers: Get Out of the Quality Assurance Business

  • The role for us is not quality assurance; we don’t have control over the schedule, the budget, programmer staffing, product scope, the development model, customer relationships, and so forth. And that’s okay; that’s management work, and that’s management’s job.
  • We don’t own quality; we’re helping the people who are responsible for quality and the things that influence it. “Quality assistance; that’s what we do.” (teď už dává i trochu víc smysl přednáška od Mikko Vaha na Tesena Festu „From Quality Assurance to Quality Assistance to Quality Engineering“)
  • We don’t have responsibility for quality any more than anyone else; everyone on the development team has that responsibility.
  • We help the programmers and the managers to see and hear and otherwise sense things that, in the limited time available to them, and in the mindset that they need to do their work, they might not be able to sense on their own.
  • It’s not our job to take over anything, like writing the requirements documents.
  • Issues that slow down testing are terribly important, because they allow bugs the opportunity to hide for longer and deeper.
  • Note, as is so commonly the case, why testing is taking so long—how little time you’re spending on actually testing the product, and how much time you’re spending on bug investigation and reporting, setup, meetings, administrivia, and other interruptions to obtaining test coverage.
  • Help to keep people aware of the difference between testing and checking.  Help them to recognize the value of each, and that excellent checking requires a great deal of testing skill.
  • Help managers and programmers to avoid confusing the “testing phase” with what it really is: the fixing phase.
  • Be the best tester you can possibly be: a skilled investigator, rather than a programmer or project manager wannabe.

Pokračování příště s

How is the testing going?

“Quality for DevOps teams”

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